Journalism and photojournalism in movies

Hi students,

Here are a few movies I highly recommend to learn more about photojournalism and journalism :

And one last movie which is Spanish (… I hear you « you are an English teacher and share Spanish movies? » You know, we, teachers, are very resourceful !)


PS: To be watched in ORiGINAL VERSION

Singing Detroit’s history

Hey girl,

I’m going to tell u a story

So listen to me well,

It’s a story of a child,

Not a simple child,

A fucking child

Yeah yeah yeah yeah

He was born in this fucking city of Detroit,

He knew Ford and his first tests

Yeah he knew his fucking development.

He witnessed this industrialization,

The road industry, job creation,

and everything that goes with it.

He lived in poverty,

He grabbed this opportunity

He decided to work.

He participed in this industrialization.

My father was my hero.

Yeah yeah yeah yeah

Working conditions ?

Don’t talk about it.

The pollution it created ?

Don’t talk about it.

The numerous discriminations ?

Don’t talk about it.

No wonder a riot broke out.

In this wind of change,

We only thought about the economy,

We thought only of us,

We thought only of everyone.

Yeah that boosted Detroit,

Yeah the population has increased,

Do we have an apartment,

A house, a palace, a castle ?

We have none of that,

We live on the street.

Detroit is a fucking bankruptcy.

Detroit is now even poorer than before.

Thank u Motown for opening here,

It’s not because we’re shabby that we have nothing to say,

That we have no voice.

If I tell u that,

It is to tell u the story of my family,

Of my city.

Yeah being black in Detroit is hard.

It was the story of my dad,

So it’s the story of everybody.

Yeah girl, u heard right.

Yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah yeah.

Lyrics written by a talented student 🙂